[nycphp-talk] more queries, or bigger in-memory data structure ?

David Mintz dmintz at
Thu Sep 18 17:03:20 EDT 2003


I believe I do follow you and I don't think it would do for me (or, it
would work, and I do not understand you (-:).

If two successive 'subitems' are different, I want to concatenate the
fields that are different and display then in one cell in one row.

Let's say the result set looked like this

Judge  Language  Defendant  Interpreter
Jones  Spanish   Estrada    Mirta
Jones  Spanish   Estrada    Elena

...then I want to display

Judge  Language  Defendant  Interpreters
Jones  Spanish   Estrada    Mirta, Elena

...because that's what makes sense to the user. Zat make any sense?



On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, Analysis & Solutions wrote:

> Hey David:
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 03:34:11PM -0400, David Mintz wrote:
> >
> > So even if I
> > could figure out the LEFT JOIN syntax to left-join multiple tables in this
> > way, if such is possible, it still wouldn't give me what I want.
> With clever looping and comparisons, I bet you could get what you want
> with one query.
> For exapmle, I've made some calendars where the items are ORDER BY
> EventDate, StartTime.  I then loop through the results.  Before starting,
> a variable named $LastDate is set to the date of the first record and a
> date header is printed out.  While looping through, before displaying each
> record, the $LastDate is compared to the current event date.  Once the
> dates are different, then the next date header is printed.
> See to see what I mean.
> Similarly, you can use this principle to handle multiple sub-items.  Like,
> printing the Interpreter and Defendants only when the name changes.
> Am I writing this clearly?
> --Dan
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David Mintz
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