[nycphp-talk] (no subject)

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Sep 21 13:08:07 EDT 2003

Hello it's me again

Sorry for this 'nit-picken' detail stuff again but in
regards to may last post:


1.           If you are careful to always use '<br />'
instead of '<br>' the validator won't complain about a
missing end tag.
2.           If you never start an unordered list without at
least <li> </li> (empty element) as in:
             Line 213: <ul><br />
         And you remember to close list items e.g. 
             Line 217:  <li>6:45  Product/Technique/Special
Feature<br />
        Changed to:
             Line 217:  <li>6:45  Product/Technique/Special
Feature</li> <br />
I think you would be eligible for a 'spiffy' w3c XHTML
validated logo.
(assuming you want one.)

T. Gales & Associates 
Helping People Connect with Technology 


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