[nycphp-talk] NYPHP List Reorganization?

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Thu Sep 25 20:38:33 EDT 2003

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, jessica kelly wrote:

> On an occasion or two, I have asked a question that I maybe should
> of asked elsewhere. Even though they are all AMP related it usually
> involves Windows as I don't have the luxury of a Linux box where I
> work nor will the bossman let me convert the server over to Linux. I
> always Google the question and RTFM first before I ask, but a lot of
> times I ask because I don't understand TFM.

IMHO, there's nothing wrong with a WAMP question. One of PHP's
strengths is that you can get it up and running on *both* Unix and

In fact, because many people don't use Windows with PHP is actually
all the more reason to encourage PHP Windows questions. It's much
harder to find quality information on this topic, so I'm not surprised
when the subject generates queries. (Running PHP on Windows is like
a dog walking on two legs; you're not impressed with how well he's
doing it, but that's he's able to do it at all.)

In a (somewhat) related note from another post, this *is* NYPHP
Talk. I hope people ask questions about bringing their bicycle to the
monthly meeting because then it means they're actually going to the
meeting!  (Unlike me, who had to miss it this month. Shame, shame.)

Despite my earlier rant, I actually have a pretty large definition of
what qualifies as on topic. And if it's totally off-topic, then like
it when you pretend that you're making an attempt to stay on topic. :)


adam at
author of o'reilly's php cookbook
avoid the holiday rush, buy your copy today!

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