[nycphp-talk] Zend IDE and CVS on Win32

David Mintz dmintz at
Fri Sep 26 16:16:51 EDT 2003

Anybody out there having luck with CVS and Zend 3.0 on a Windoze system? I
am using CVS 1.11. My Zend is installed in C:\Zend. My local repository is
F:\data\repository, and that's the setting I put in the CVS Root field of
the checkout dialog (it's also what my CVSROOT environment variable is set

When I try checkout, I get:

 	cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: no such host F

Weird thing is, the first time I tried a checkout, it worked, but
I could not commit, so I started fiddling and now I can't checkout
either. Just for laughs I tried restarting Zend -- no dice.

I've tried different permutations of using my own cvs.exe rather than the
one in zend/bin; using forward slashes instead of backslashes; feeding it
a "-d F:\data\repository" switch.

I am otherwise able to use CVS with both WinCVS and the command line,
so it seems like the issue is with Zend. No luck with the Zend
documentations, forums, or Google.

Hope this ain't too OT. TIA.

David Mintz
Email: See first!

"Y dále p'abajo"

	Tito Rojas

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