[nycphp-talk] PHP server app

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Sun Apr 4 16:29:01 EDT 2004

>> Ok what you saying is to use a forking server.
>> Can you say why specificaly why non-forking server is bad ?
>> Is it because the thread support is not as good ?
> Hey,
> A forked server is preferred because of the nature of them and ways to
> have built-in limits. Sure you have to figure out who is the session
> leader and child/parent relationships, etc but that setup work is worth
> it. Using shared memory each instantiation of the program can have
> mutual access to data and if it fails/dies it has no effect on the
> others. So I guess the answer is encapsulation and that is why they are
> used in high-end/high user apps like Apache and MySQL.

I like to correct you if I may on this point. I think and correct me if i
am wrong that Mysql uses threading as the basis for handling user
Apache defaults to prefork mpm but in Apache2 the worker mpm is thread
based. I think threading vs forking is open to debate its not a black and
white issue although I dont think its even the issue. Usually the debate
of this surrounds event based vs threaded.

> requires more work to set up than forking, and in my opinion forking is
> more intuitive for the programmer, so therefore is the better option.
> ***rant below, feel free to ignore***
> PHP handles a most if not all of it's own memory clean-up, and for
> logging I suggest using register_shutdown_function() and have your main
> logging and cleanup code there.

> A long time ago, I used to program in ASP and they had a function called
> option_explicit which if used, makes you declare variables or would spit
> out errors. I always felt it made you a better programmer as you kind of
> need to think ahead a bit and once you do that, cleanup is easier as you
> can look at your declaratives and you know what to empty.
> In PHP functions like empty
> Serve this.
> I also suggest setting error_reporting to E_ALL if you are concerned
> with looking at your code for memory leaks and finding out just how
> loose your programming style is.

I belive php uses Garbage Collection which is reference count based. If
all references to some variable are lost it will be eventually cleaned up.
I dont belive unset() is neccessary in PHP code although at times could be
useful maybe.

> At my work, a lot of the newer PHP guys had never worked with any lower
> level languages and it amazes me that they are missing a lot of the
> foundation knowledge for how/why things are a certain way. They have no
> knowledge of certain base functions and only sketchy data structures
> understanding. But then this is always the way these things go.. (back
> in my day: snow both ways uphill etc. or the programmer equiv of PDP,
> punch cards and assembly on green-line paper).
> Anyway, I digress.
> /rant
> On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 12:53, felix zaslavskiy wrote:
>> >>
>> >> There is nothing that techincaly stops php being used that way.
>> >> There is sockets api's extensions. I dont know which is most stable
>> >> though.
>> >>
>> >> Memory leaks may be a problem.  You can certainly do it but be
>> prepared
>> >> to
>> >> restart the thing daily.
>> >
>> > The main issue with people having to restart is that they are not
>> > utilizing posix functions.
>> > and are trying to run an
>> app in
>> > linear mode vs forked mode
>> > (such as how apache and mysql run).
>> > Anyway, PHP works just fine for a server apps, it not the "preferred"
>> > choice for most, but for me, I like it.
>> > -Joel De Gan
>> Ok what you saying is to use a forking server.
>> Can you say why specificaly why non-forking server is bad ?
>> Is it because the thread support is not as good ?
> --
> joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.
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Felix Zaslavskiy

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