[nycphp-talk] phpMyadmin's dumps won't import into...phpMyAdmin?

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Tue Apr 6 16:51:19 EDT 2004


So, maybe the bug is not in phpMyAdmin.  I also thought the timestamp 
should be coming out as a timestamp integer, but I figured phpMyAdmin 
knew more about this stuff than me.

Anyway, the two results are NOT differently formatted.

I need to investigate this more and find out why the timestamp isn't 
coming out as a timestamp...maybe I can appeal to the sysadmin to 
grant me temporary access to this account.


>  >    `cat_49_added` datetime default NULL,
>>     `cat_49_updated` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
>Here's the problem...
>The datetime is being exported as a standard datetime string (with the
>spaces, hypens, etc).
>The timestamp column should be exported as a number, such as:
>This is why it isn't getting quoted.  Yet, the format that's being
>captured by phpMyAdmin is of the string, per above.  Spaces, but not
>quoted, thus your error.
>Why this is happening I'm not sure.  I'd bet it's a bug in phpMyAdmin.
>To see if it's a problem with mysql or phpmyadmin, run these queries
>just as testers:
>SELECT cat_49_added FROM cat_49 LIMIT 1
>SELECT cat_49_updated FROM cat_49 LIMIT 1
>The results of each should be differently formatted.  Are they?
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