[nycphp-talk] problems with pear stuff

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Fri Apr 9 17:43:09 EDT 2004

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> This show you how to install "pear" and PEAR packages the correct way
>and will save you a lot of time in the long run. (You may have some
>initial troubles getting it to work, but once it's going everything
>should be smooth sailing.)
I've said this very same thing, and in practice, it is correct.  However...

I had a server die with a dead disk yesterday, and got the server 
'restored' to a shiny new RedHat 8.  (grumble grumble)

I'm moving to a new host next week (dual Xeons, yippee!) but still need 
to serve for the next few days. Updating PHP beyond 4.2.2 is going to be 
a significant pain, as anyone with RH8 experience will attest ;)

Is it possible to upgrade PEAR or just install from downloads?  My 
existing setup only needs to run for 3-5 days, so I really don't want to 
go into gcc oblivion...

-- Mitch

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