[nycphp-talk] Is it worth learning Python too?

Tim Gales tgales at
Wed Apr 14 12:39:41 EDT 2004

Daniel Krook writes:
" High-level essentially means that you're writing your program 
 in a human readable format, and that what you're writing is 
 abstracted from how the machine will understand it, which is 
 why it goes through the process of compilation.
 Assembly code and raw machine code are low-level languages...."

There is a difference also in the abstraction level of the 
different languages -- even amongst the 'high-level' languages. 

I often hear people say things like: "C is a lot more powerful, 
but then that's because it a low level language".

C is not really a 'low-level' language (as explained in the 
earlier post).

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'


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