[nycphp-talk] [ot] Apache testing suite considerations

Joel De Gan joel at
Thu Apr 22 13:45:22 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 12:08, Chris Bielanski wrote:
> Right on, getting better hits on the list than I got on Google - sooooo much
> chaff. Seems I have this problem where I use search terms that make sense to
> me, but not to "normal" (non-geek) users, so I always get tons of useless
> but matched noise at the top of my results.

not sure if anyone has been noticing the flood of "noise" as Chris calls
it. I am calling it crap/spam/junk... It seems google is overrun by spam
and spammy sites. I know they did a big thing back in november to run
them out, but it only seems to have made the problem worse. 

Each month I keep seeing a steady decline in what is in google and find
that it takes longer to get to something that is not trying to sell me
viagra, penis enlargement, gambling etc.

DMOZ (Which is used by google as a marker for pagerank) is flooded by
editors putting their own sites in and a huge amount of bad links and
half the sites the domains have expired and now point to some overture
listings. I ran a survey of DMOZ data and posted the results here: 
After running further tests scanning for overture listings/duplicate
content or redirects.. about (maybe) 60-62% of DMOZ is 'not' pointing to
spam so all those 'editors' are doing a seriously bad job. The data they
provide is utter crap.

anyway, I miss the old google that was not concerned with raking in
profits and just worked. The spam in engines like webcrawler and lycos
is why everyone went to google in the first place. Where is nutch? 

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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