[nycphp-talk] [ot] Anyone think the Cisco/TCP thing is goingaround?

jon baer jonbaer at
Fri Apr 23 14:16:04 EDT 2004

> Why even bother with DSL?  Cable is about the same price and is way
> faster.  I'm getting well over 2 Mbps on a regular basis.  Plus, it was
> installed two days after I called.

Not really if you consider the price of cable itself today and from what I
understand you can't get:

A) DSL service *without* a phone landline package
B) Cable modem service *without* a cable package

Am I wrong?  If so the cost of a cable modem outweighs DSL by @ least 1/3.
Plus it is *shared* not *dedicated* so alot of people on the same loop can
saturate your bandwidth ...

- Jon

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