[nycphp-talk] [ot] Anyone think the Cisco/TCP thing is goingaround?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Apr 23 15:03:16 EDT 2004

Hi Jon:

On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 02:16:04PM -0400, jon baer wrote:
> understand you can't get:
> B) Cable modem service *without* a cable package

That's just not true.  I don't even have a TV.

> Am I wrong?  If so the cost of a cable modem outweighs DSL by @ least 1/3.

I'm paying $42/mo.

> Plus it is *shared* not *dedicated* so alot of people on the same loop can
> saturate your bandwidth ...

Oh, come on.  I'm getting downloads over 300 kilobytes/second on a regular
basis (well over 2 megabits per second).  So, it might slow down every now
and then, but most of the time it's more likely what look like slowdowns
to me are actually web/ftp servers being slow about transmission.  
Therefore, the aggregate speed per day compared to speed per day for DSL
is way faster.  And if you factor in the "speed losses" due to consistent
DSL outages... well, you get the picture.

Of course, knock on wood.  I don't want to jinx my connection. :)


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