[nycphp-talk] (ir) regular expressions (stupid me)

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Sat Apr 24 12:57:00 EDT 2004

Hello Dan (@phpwerx),

thanks a lot for your excellent help! Your suggestions were excellent: I 
had not thought of cities such as "Salt Lake City". Now that you have 
written out the Perl-style regexes, I can understand them.

Thanks for the suggestion about having three different fields:
that is what I am actually moving to in the next version of the admin 
panel. What I currently want to do is validate all the existing rows 
which have data in this "street, city, state" combo. If it validates, 
then I will use the extracted information (from the match array) and 
store it in the new fields.

When I began this project I started with a product I had written before, 
and just piggybacked on existing fields I had. Now with a large data-set 
and sometimes fickle people entering data, I need a better solution.

Your expressions will help me a lot in this upgrade process. Thanks again!

- Jay

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