[nycphp-talk] Can't get no $action

leam leam at
Mon Apr 26 09:36:39 EDT 2004

Dan Cech wrote:
> leam wrote:

>>  From the editor_form function:
>>     echo "<form name=edit_form method=post action=$PHP_SELF >";
>>     echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=save_file >";
>>     echo "<input type=submit value='Save and Exit' name=submit>";
> It won't be causing the problem, but your html should be properly quoted.

Do you mean like:
	echo "<input type=\"hidden\">";

or can I use single quotes? Yeah, I'm still on the square part of the 
learnin' curve...

>>  From the switch statement:
>>     switch($action) {
>>         case "save_file":
>>             save_file();               break;
>>         default:
>>             html_header();               editor_form();
>>             html_footer();
>>     }
>> The save_file function works if it's called by itself, and the $action 
>> just seems to call the default.
> I would suggest that your server might have register_globals turned off, 
> meaning you will need to use $_POST['action'] instead of $action.  You 
> should do this anyway, rather than relying on register_globals.
> Dan

Virtual Drink to you, that was it! Went to switch($_POST[action]) and it 

The book recommends register_globals be on but I've understood that is 
not the best solution. However, I still get mixed up in their code 
becasue they're using it that way.



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