[nycphp-talk] web page file extensions

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Apr 28 11:06:32 EDT 2004

Aaron Fischer wrote:

> So, my question is, is this fairly normal to be constrained to those 
> file types in order to have php be executed?  It seems inconvenient and 
> unnecessary, IMO, but I don't have enough experience with different 
> server environments to feel qualified to make this judgment.

Technically you can tell apache to parse html as PHP code, but it is 
discouraged as a default.  One reason is performance, as even static 
html will now be parsed by the php handler.

You can change this in either httpd.conf or with .htaccess files, 
although I also consider .htaccess files a bad idea for performance reasons.

-- Mitch

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