[nycphp-talk] web page file extensions

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Wed Apr 28 11:49:34 EDT 2004

I'd like to test this out.  However, I'm a relative newb and have never 
worked with an .htaccess file.  I'd appreciate any helpful links to get 
me up to speed with .htaccess and/or tips for how to create the file, 
where to put it on the server, and any text needed in addition to what 
is listed below.



On Apr 28, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Brian Preston-Campbell wrote:

> Test an .htaccess file with the following:
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html
> Depending upon the server configuration, it may allow you to parse 
> .htm and
> .html files as .php
> Brian

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