[nycphp-talk] PEAR DB_Cache is dead?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Aug 11 19:06:01 EDT 2004

David Mintz wrote:

>Anyway:  what do you guys recommend? I often use shared servers where db
>performance sometimes sucks -- more than likely because of sloppy
>application coding -- and I like to be part of the solution by caching
>frequently requested but rarely changing data. I see Cache and Cache_Lite
>are out there but I'm fishing for expert opinion.

I am a huge fan of ADOdb's query cache - similar to MySQL's but it lives 
on the webserver (saving you a round trip to the data box) and is 
database-agnostic.  However, working on the Mambo project I learned from 
recent posts that caching at the page level provides a bigger benefit - 
you cache more than just the data, you cache the generated output as 
well.  I also learned that on underpowered webservers, ADOdb's query 
cache is actually a performance hit, not a gain.

For each application you have to consider the usage patterns, overall 
architecture, and environment - but it seems pretty safe to say that you 
should get real cozy with PEAR's Cache_Lite...

Just IMHO, of course ;-)

-- Mitch

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