[nycphp-talk] Costing

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Sat Aug 14 21:06:13 EDT 2004

We have absolutely no idea how much time it will take you and therefore 
we can not estimate this for you.  I could not even tell you how long 
this would take me because I do not have the details of the project and 
this is not an appropriate place to share those details.

Estimating is a skill that is learned through do it.  You have to figure 
out your capabilities and your customer's requirements.  Take some time 
and write a list of what it take to execute this project and estimate 
how much time each component will take and double that time.  Then 
follow the instructions Mitch provided.  Face it, you are going to screw 
up a lot of estimates while learning, be prepared to manage expectations 
and eat a little dirt once in a while.

Good Luck,
Hans Kaspersetz

Kshitij Bedi wrote:

>But how much time do you think it should take?
--- snip ---

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