[nycphp-talk] Signing PHP applications.

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Aug 14 00:04:16 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford Jr. |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>What's the big deal or why would you sign a php script or file? i have never
>understood the meaning of signing files.
>Joe Crawford Jr.

If it is "signed" then you know it has not been modified since it was 
released by the author. If it is not signed, then it may have been 
modified - in worst case, it may have been corrupted or it may have been 
loaded with a virus/worm/trojan. With complex scripts, it would be 
relatively easy to hide a backdoor inside, for example.

"signing" can be as simple as including a hash value with the code, so 
the code can be re-hashed by the recipient (if the value matches, it 
hasn't been modified -- with ridiculously high probability). It could 
also be encrypted with keys that need to be verified with a "trusted 
authority" before used (more complicated, and if you are a realist, 
there are no "trusted authorities"-- yet).

-=john andrews

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