[nycphp-talk] broadcast emailer: is this sane strategy

drydell at drydell at
Mon Aug 16 23:06:49 EDT 2004

I'm not sure if it is or not, but it behaves in exactly the same way... I have several long running tasks that I can initiate from a web page, have the next page rendered in the browser immediately, and then watch the background tasks run from a UNIX shell...

> Just as an aside, it's possible to fork a detached php process, all you need 
to do is turn off stdin and stdout (and you should trap output/errors to a log):
> exec("/path/to/php /your/script.php 2>>/your/logfile.log >&- <&- 

That's what I'm doing (I think). Although -- correct me if I'm wrong -- I
believe technically that ain't true forking, as in pcntl_fork().

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