[nycphp-talk] email quota hander in PHP

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Aug 26 23:33:22 EDT 2004

> Anybody here want to try and talk me out of writing a PHP script to
help me
> trim down over-quota mailboxes on my server?  Somehow I pick up the
> impression from some people that PHP is just not meant for this kind
> thing, and that I'd be better off going with python or perl.  Since
I'm much
> more familiar with PHP than most anything else, that seems a lot more
> convenient.
> The background is that I've been looking for some ways to manage email
> quotas per user on my server, something that's a little more flexible
> procmail's "bounce anything over-quota" methods.  Not having found
> existing, I've started to hack something together in PHP that would
> called daily by cron and then implement a certain policy on over-quota
> files  (basically, delete oldest messages one-by-one until mbox size
> acceptable, but never delete anything less than x days old).  I've
also got
> access to something in Python which I could (extensively) modify --
but I
> don't look forward to that.
> Anybody in NYPHP-land want to issue a word of warning before I go this

I think using PHP for this would be fine.  CLI PHP works great and I use
it constantly.  Depending on your MTA, you could even check the quota
"just-in-time", that is when mail is delivered, but before it's written
to the mbox (Postfix comes to mind)


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