[nycphp-talk] OT: seeking comments on IBM ThinkPad T40 as portable development machine

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Fri Aug 27 17:53:51 EDT 2004

inforequest wrote:

> I would appreciate comments from anyone with experience with the IBM 
> Thinkpad T40. I am considering getting this as my on the road machine. 
> It would dual boot XP/Suse, with LAMP installs on both platforms. 

Had one before I left Switzerland, and usaed it on travels ranging from 
Budapest to Hong Kong.  I thought it was terribly ugly at first, but 
quickly grew attached to it as the frequent flier miles piled up.

I immediately fdisked the machine and never saw Windows on it, but hear 
that it runs XP/2000 nicely ;-)

-- Mitch

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