[nycphp-talk] Top 20 IT Mistakes

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Thu Dec 2 09:06:02 EST 2004

This is from:

Mistake No. 18:
"18. Underestimating PHP

IT managers who look only as far as J2EE and .Net when developing 
scalable Web apps are making a mistake by not taking a second look at 
scripting languages -- particularly PHP. This scripting language has 
been around for a decade now, and millions of Yahoo pages are served by 
PHP each day.

Discussion of PHP scalability reached a high-water mark in June, when 
the popular social-networking site Friendster finally beat nagging 
performance woes by migrating from J2EE to PHP. In a comment attached to 
a Weblog post about Friendster’s switch to PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf, inventor 
of PHP, explained the architectural secret of PHP’s capability of 
scaling: “Scalability is gained by using a shared-nothing architecture 
where you can scale horizontally infinitely.”

The stateless “shared-nothing” architecture of PHP means that each 
request is handled independently of all others, and simple horizontal 
scaling means adding more boxes. Any bottlenecks are limited to scaling 
a back-end database. Languages such as PHP might not be the right 
solution for everyone, but pre-emptively pushing scripting languages 
aside when there are proven scalability successes is a mistake. "

Jeff S.

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