[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] Web Hosting Gone Bad

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Dec 2 14:38:22 EST 2004

Forget it, you will pay $2,000 for a lawyer and have no avenues for
collection of damages.

This is a situation where although you've done nothing wrong per se,
you are going to get screwed anyway.  Best to eat the $20, and then
call the police for extortion.

-- Mitch, grinning an evil grin

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 14:20:19 -0500, Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:
> couldnt i get them for destructing data that doesnt belong to them or
> something, i mean i would almost be willing to pay $100 to a lawyer to
> send them a letter if it would get me the files, i honestly dont feel
> i should have to pay the $20 and i dont know if i am going to stoop to
> the level and do it.  However i dont have a local copy of the files
> and i do need them.

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