[nycphp-talk] DBM file support and caching in PHP

George Schlossnagle george at
Thu Dec 16 12:02:57 EST 2004

On Dec 16, 2004, at 11:57 AM, Daniel Convissor wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 11:19:02AM -0400, mark wrote:
>> I also don't want to ask that the customers use their own DB's for
>> caching
> Have you thought about using SQLite?  It's built into PHP 5 by default.
> While it has many characteristics of a DBMS, it's really just a 
> glorified
> file format, so doesn't have a DBMS server.

That's a rather poor characterization.  SQLite is actually much more 
fully featured that something like MySQL, it just happens to be an 
embedded RDBMS instead of a standalone server.  Extending your 
characterization would mean that all the DBM implementation (including 
ones with full transactional support like db4) are glorified file 
formats, simply because they embed and aren't talked to over so sort of 
IPC or networking.


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