[nycphp-talk] PHP + Java with PHPMQ

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Fri Dec 17 13:13:58 EST 2004

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the tropical weather of New York City. I 
don't know about any of you, but who would want to vacation on a 
tropical island such as Java in this warm weather?

Speaking of Java, I thought I should mention this interesting article I 
came across:

Amir Shevat has written the PHPMQ system. He has this to say:
"JMS (Java Messaging Service) is an interface implemented by most J2EE 
containers in order to provide point-to-point queuing and topic-based 
(publish/subscribe) functionality. JMS is frequently used by enterprise 
and back-end applications for distributed communication and 
collaboration. [...] Although efforts are being made to develop PHP as a 
back-end scripting language, its use is still very much confined to 
front-end applications. Combining the strengths of PHP--easy and fast 
web development, and compatibility with many types of databases--with 
those of JMS, which is the standard for communication with back-end 
enterprise applications, creates a powerful and easy-to-use tool for 
both Java and PHP developers.

PHPMQ gives the PHP developer JMS-like abilities through the MantaRay 
messaging bus. This document gives an overview of PHPMQ and its use by 
the PHP developer."

This seems like a cool project.

- Jay
PS: People interested in both Java and PHP may want to check out (the 
end of) this article too:

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