[nycphp-talk] 35% off from Addison-Wesley/Prentice Hall to group members

John Lacey jlacey at
Fri Dec 17 18:24:10 EST 2004

DeWitt, Michael wrote:
> If you are looking for some reading material over the holidays, here you go:
> For discount off Prentice Hall PTR books:
> For discount off Addison-Wesley books: 

thanks Mike,

and speaking of books, people who are looking for a good treatment on 
security with a focus on web programming, you might check out a book 
called "Innocent Code -- a security wake-up call for web programmers" by 
Sverre H. Huseby.  Bookpool has it along with their usual killer prices:

I bought it sometime ago while waiting for Shiflett's security book to 
hit the shelves.

BTW George Schlossnagle, nice job on the "Advanced PHP Programming" 
book.  It is well-organized and contains a wealth of interesting and 
diverse topics.  I have a little business developing and teaching Open 
Source classes (mainly LAMP stack).   I hope to offer several levels of 
courses and if things work out, I want to develop an advanced PHP 
course--your book would make a good text, I'm thinking.  The method to 
my madness is to pick a good text and then develop a student workbook 
around it.


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