[nycphp-talk] php + mysql

Tim Gales tgales at
Sat Dec 18 08:07:24 EST 2004

Juancarlos Aponte writes:

> I have version 4.1.7 of MySQL.  I recommented the 
> extension=php_mysql.dll line and set the extension dir to the 
> proper directory and also put the libmysql.dll file back into 
> the PHP directory.  Restarted Apache, and it still didn't 
> work.  I even tried adding an "extension=php_mysqli.dll" line 
> into the php.ini file but to no avail.  PHPmyadmin still 
> gives me an error when trying to start up.  "Cannot load 
> mysql extension..." Anyone else have some ideas? Thanks a ton. 

Windows has a search path, which it uses to resolve 
symbols at run-time (dynamic link loading). The 
dynamic link loader looks in:

1) The directory where the executable exists 

2) The current directory

3) The system directory 

4) The PATH environment (this is the path for 
   executatbles -- NOT  LIBPATH, the environment variable)

Chances are that you either have another bad (incompatible)
LIBMYSQL.DLL located higher in the search order  
(i.e in the system directory versus the PATH) or
none at all in the search path.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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