[nycphp-talk] php + mysql

Juancarlos Aponte j.aponte at
Sat Dec 18 13:12:35 EST 2004


-extension_dir = "c:\PHP\ext"
-I also have a libmySQL.dll in mysql\bin and another in the PHP
directory.  I've tried leaving only the one in the PHP and then only
the one in the mysql, but nothing worked.  There exists none in the
Windows System directory either.
-PHP is installed as an Apache module.
-Supposedly, PHPMyAdmin supports MySQL 4.1.x and above.

On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 00:46:12 -0500, Daniel Convissor
<danielc at> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 11:47:21PM -0500, Juancarlos Aponte wrote:
> > I have version 4.1.7 of MySQL.  I recommented the
> > extension=php_mysql.dll line and set the extension dir to the proper
> > directory and also put the libmysql.dll file back into the PHP
> > directory.  Restarted Apache, and it still didn't work.  I even tried
> > adding an "extension=php_mysqli.dll" line into the php.ini file but to
> > no avail.  PHPmyadmin still gives me an error when trying to start up.
> >  "Cannot load mysql extension..." Anyone else have some ideas? Thanks
> > a ton.
> Please pay attention.
> * You have to use the mysqli extension for MySQL 4.1.x, so uncomment
>   php_mysqli.dll extension in your php.ini.
> * That also means you need to use the mysqli_*() functions, not the old
>   mysql_*() functions.
> * Since you probably don't have MySQL 4.0.x installed, DO NOT enable the
>   php_mysql.dll extension.
> * What are you talking about with the libmysql.dll?  The libmySQL.dll
>   that MySQL installs to the mysql bin directory (for example
>   C:\Program Files\mysql41\bin)?  Don't move that from there (Put it
>   back there).  Guess you misinterpreted some instructions you read
>   somewhere else.
> * You didn't mention what you set the extension_dir to in php.ini.
> * If you're using PHP as an Apache module, restart Apache.
> --Dan
> --
> T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
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> New York PHP Talk
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.: Juancarlos :.

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