[nycphp-talk] [OT] Hosting: Is any good?

Jason N.Perkins jperkins at
Tue Dec 21 09:50:53 EST 2004

On Dec 21, 2004, at 8:29 AM, Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> Speaking of RackSpace, the guy that started it all is now at
> - which is basically RackSpace on a budget, where you
> do the system administration yourself.

It was actually two of the guys - Richard Yoo and Dirk Elmendorf.

> The prices are awesome, they have NAS available for remote backup, and
> also offer redundant disks as an option.

I had the opportunity to work in the same office as their lead tech guy 
and some of the stuff that he had done is really, really cool from an 
automated hosting standpoint.

> I switched back to them two months ago and can only say good things 
> about them.

Excellent! I was always reluctant to mix business and personal, so I 
kept my stuff hosted elsewhere. Also, the buyout of ServerBeach by Pier 
1 hasn't had any negative impact on their operations that I'm aware of.

Jason N Perkins

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