[nycphp-talk] trouble with PHP5 CGI Suse 9.1 - client denied by server configuration

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Wed Dec 29 19:22:18 EST 2004

Hi John,

thanks for your note.

 >I don't think one needs to go thru all that grief, but if it's any
 >consolation Jay, XAMPP 1.4.11 was just released with the latest Zend
 >Optimizer (2.5.7) that addresses various problems (like the foreach
 >craziness) with using PHP 4.3.10 and the old ZO

I think there must be XAMPP version for Linux with PHP 5, but I did want 
to install it on top of my existing setup which had Apache 2, PHP 4 and 
MySQL 4.0 already installed. So then I would need uninstall all of those 
(AMP) and then install XAMPP. Another thing is that XAMPP is a 
distribution meant for local development, as opposed to server 
deployment. So it bundles every possible library, and leaves settings 
wide open. I think I read once that there is a secure settings script, 
but still there would hand tuning / human sanity checks required.

I figured it would easier just to add PHP 5 as a CGI binary mapped to a 
specific subdirectory of my htdocs folder, so that I could continue to 
use PHP 4 while also using PHP 5-specfic apps.

Note to Mitch (I forgot to mention this in my last reply to him)
SuSe also comes out of the box with some strange settings and paths. For 
example, the mysql binaries are not owned by the mysql user! And 
Apache's configuration files are split into a million different 
includes. And when SuSe does things like that, it might compiling PHP as 
an Apache 2 module very problematic :

Best regards,

- Jay

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