[nycphp-talk] Re: linux desktop (wuz: TA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in MicrosoftInternet Explorer)

leam leam at
Wed Feb 4 05:19:09 EST 2004

Mark Armendariz wrote:
>>... then again im sure 
>>we all use linux and have nothing to fear to begin with :-)
> Speaking of which, how many of you use linux as your primary desktop?  Now
> that I don't do much design, it's more and more tempting every day, but I
> still feel I'll suffer some windows withdrawal... Outlook and photoshop for
> instance.

I do, but I'm fairly non-graphically inclined. You may want to check out 
OS X if you want the power of unix and the looks of Windows. My wife 
switched over and she likes it.



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