[nycphp-talk] Using PEAR?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Tue Feb 10 08:52:38 EST 2004

Mark Armendariz wrote:

> I've been avoiding it for quite some time for who knows why.  I've read 
> up on it every few months, and I've finally decided to truly consider 
> using it, especially since it's now being built into the PHP distro.

I was the same way until a couple years ago - around the time they got 
the installer working ;^)

Now I use DB, Auth, HTML_QuickForm, Text_Password, and thanks to this 
very list I am using Math_Stats for calculating standard deviation.......

If it's been written already, then I'm gonna use it!  Why do we always 
gotta reinvent the wheel?  (slaps forehead)

-- Mitch

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