[nycphp-talk] Using PEAR?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Tue Feb 10 15:16:24 EST 2004

Mark L. Withington wrote:

> Bummer, I'm out-of-the country that week (usually in Boston so I'm always
> out-of-town). Would've made this one my first meeting too.  Anyone know a
> good PEAR primer that I can buy (I realize it's probably on line for free,
> but I've got lots of time to kill in an airplane).  I'd like to try and get
> a better handle on all this PEAR stuff.

Take your (linux?)laptop, and while connected to the 'Net do the folowing:

pear list-updates	// shows updates
pear upgrade-all	// upgrades all installed packages
pear install DB		// excellent DB class :)
pear install HTML_QuickForm	// interesting HTML/Javascript forms

Now on the airplane you have examples and documentation in 
/usr/share/pear (or wherever your PEAR is installed).  Really.  I've 
seen the new DB documentation online (and it is a huge improvement), but 
the examples are also excellent.

That is how I learned PEAR, at least (and it was on planes AND trains) :)

-- Mitch

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