[nycphp-talk] installing mysql 4.1 (windows)

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Feb 18 03:03:30 EST 2004

Hi Folks:

My Win2k test box is currently running MySQL 4.0.x.  I also want to be
able to run MySQL 4.1.x at the same time, though solely for testing

I'm making progress.  Got the server installed.  Some important points 

1) editing my.cnf to utilize the new mysqld-<version> section syntax and 
altering the relevant settings there...

... etc ...

... snip ...

2) Installing the service under a different name:

mysqld-max-nt --install mysql41

Okay, now the trick is getting it to work with PHP.  I've got a recent 
snapshot of PHP 5.  Seems the mysqli extension isn't built in (though the 
mysql extension is).  So, am I going to have to compile PHP from scratch 
to get this functionality?

Saw the PHP docs for mysqli say 

   Note:  The mysqli extension is designed to work with the version 4.1.2
   or above of MySQL. For previous versions, please see the MySQL
   extension documentation.

Is that right?  4.1.2 isn't out.  I just tried connecting to 4.1.1 using
mysql_connect().  In order to get it to work,[1] I had to update the
Password column in the user table to "old_password(Password)."  Well, this 
is well and good, but I really need to be testing the mysqli extension.

Any leads to getting mysqli working are welcome.



[1] The initial attempts to connect via mysql_connect() failed:
    "Client does not support authentication protocol 
    requested by server. Consider upgrading MySQL client"

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