[nycphp-talk] HomeSite/TopStyle on the Mac... (was: your IDE?)

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Wed Feb 18 14:56:00 EST 2004

I do a somewhat similar thing:

On PC I use HTML-Kit, pretty nice for combining the need to do both 
front and back end stuff.  I also prefer Mac but haven't gone the 
virtual pc route yet.  On Mac I use BBEdit, but I've never been able to 
get it to color code php nicely.  Have any BBEdit folks been able to do 
this, am I missing something?


On Feb 18, 2004, at 1:55 PM, Daniel Krook wrote:

> I'm a HomeSite and TopStyle Pro guy but prefer the Mac as my primary
> machine at home.
> I solved the problem by picking up Virtual PC for Mac last week and 
> cranked
> out a site using BBEdit and TopStyle in the PC VM while also testing 
> on all
> the browsers I needed to on a single machine.  This is particularly 
> useful
> when you can map the same external filesystem from the Mac and from the
> Virtual PC.
> The feeling of using my own Windows 2000 CD to install the OS (and all 
> its
> necessary Windows Updates) on my Mac in its own window was interesting 
> to
> say the least (the base edition of Virtual PC lets you use your own
> existing copy of Windows or other OS).
> It's not the fastest thing in the world (it emulates a Pentium II
> processor, I believe) but it's closed the gap between the tools I need 
> and
> the platform I prefer.

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