[nycphp-talk] How many of you guys are "down" with Java/OO - likeprogramming concepts?

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Thu Feb 19 10:04:03 EST 2004

ZenOO.  I just love this:

> procedural -> OO is pointless unless:
> 1.  it makes it easier to maintain the code
> 2.  it makes it easier to improve the code
> 3.  it makes it easier to debug the code
> 4.  it makes it easier to pick up girls
> 5.  it makes it easier to show off at the users group (see #5)
> Almost all the documentation about OO complicates the issue.  It's 
> really not that difficult.  If you're not understanding it, it's not 
> because you're missing the OO bone/gene/hair.  It's because whoever is 
> explaining it to you doesn't understand it well enough to explain.
> Relax, drink a beer.  It's not that complex.  If you're thinking hard 
> about OO, you're doing the wrong thinking.  Save your hard thinking to 
> solve the problem.  Once you've groked the problem the OO stuff will 
> flow easily.

- Allen

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