[nycphp-talk] MySQL, MyISAM tables, <trigger> | <on delete cascade>- Help

Tim Gales tgales at
Fri Feb 20 13:11:35 EST 2004

regarding your response to Dan Cech's link

I think you could have just said:
" thanks -- I'll look into it. "
(without repeating so much of the thread)
and adding:
"Do you think that approach would work 
with a very simple MySQL 3.23 model ?"

The point being: your thought was not so 
dependent on previous posts that it needs 
to include each of them or risk being misunderstood 
by being read out of context.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

p.s. I am trying to help you learn to 
edit your posts -- not just be 'snippy'

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