[nycphp-talk] Working with recursive "single-referenced" methods and static variables

Phil Powell phillip.powell at
Tue Feb 24 16:59:28 EST 2004

class DepartmentTree {

 function &buildTree($id) {
   static $html;
   if (!isset($html)) {
    // DO STUFF HERE TO $html
   if ($condition_is_met) $this->buildTree($newID);
   $this->html = $html;


The above (and greatly paraphrased from the 100-line actual class) class 
and method, in its real form, totally works inasmuch as it successfully 
always creates an HTML hierarchial tree of departments mapped with child 
departments.  I have no problem with this.. as long as I only use the 
class once.

However, there is a case where I need the entire contents of the 
departments table dumped out into a resultset, and to do that I figured 
I would just loop through a query of records that have no parent ID; 
each id in each row I seed into $tree->buildTree():

for ($i = 0; $i < @sizeof($result); $i++) {
 $this->deptArray += $tree->convert_to_array();

The "convert_to_array()" method will convert the contents of $this->html 
from HTML content to an array, keeping the original hierarchial order; 
the "clearTreeHTML()" method will set $this->html to NULL or "".

Problem is, it does not do that, because apparently "static $html" keeps 
an instance of it running in the single-referenced instance of 
"buildTree" method.  

Based on how best I can explain my problem, and sorry I can't explain it 
any better w/o dumping the actual code line by line, how have you all 
figured out the best way to generate multiple, unique instances from a 
single-referenced method that uses a static local variable?


Phil Powell
Web Developer
  ADNET Systems, Inc.
  11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 403
  Reston, VA  20190-5203
Phone: (703) 709-7218 x107   Cell: (571) 437-4430   FAX: (703) 709-7219
EMail:  Phillip.Powell at      AOL IM: SOA Dude

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