[nycphp-talk] moving MySQL Tables

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Fri Feb 27 11:39:36 EST 2004

slightly OT but I know I can get the answer here!

I'm stumped on getting a MySQL table moved from one server to another. I was
under the (possibly false) impression that it's pretty much a straight copy.
Am I incorrect? I copied over the data folder and all the files contained
therein, bounced mysql on the new machine (both are W2K).

I'm missing something, and I can't sort out exactly what. Didn't want to try
to go through the hassle of dump and rebuild, either.

Thanks in advance,
Chris Bielanski - [CBielanski at]
Web Programmer, 
International Trademark Association - []
1133 Ave. of the Americas - Manhattan
p - 212/642-1745

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