[nycphp-talk] Getting array in $_POST

leam leam at
Sat Feb 28 00:17:37 EST 2004

leam wrote:
> Okay, I'll try to make this understandable before I fall asleep. I'm 
> setting a bunch of check boxes where each is a member of an array. So 
> the first line is:
> echo "<input name=\"Skill[]\" type=\"checkbox\" 
> value=\"$skill_data[skillID] \" \n ";
> $skill_data[skillID] was previously pulled from the database and is a 
> unique identifier for each skill. Each checkbox has the skill name 
> beside it so the user can check what skills they have and then submit 
> the form.
> However, php script calls another to load the database and I'm not sure 
> how to get the data from a $_POST[] variable. Can I? I don't want to 
> have to manually name each variable because there's a couple hundred of 
> them all told.
> Hope that's enough info to make sense. If not I can just post my code, 
> though it is so ugly most sensible people avoid it.  :)
> ciao!
> leam

Code should be visible at

Appreciate any help.



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