[nycphp-talk] an old thread on a proposed function for PHP

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Mon Jan 5 14:30:27 EST 2004

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Tim Gales wrote:

> Nevertheless it would seem that they would still
> care about the language.

They do care about the language, it's just their motivations aren't
necessarily aligned with users of the language. Nor do they
necessarily understand what many users are trying to do with PHP.

> If a proposed function is useless and adds
> bloat, why put it in PHP 5?

I can replicate the majority of the functions in PHP using more low
level functions and operators, but that doesn't mean those functions
are useless and bloated.

In this case, I think it makes perfect sense to have
file_put_contents() if there's a file_get_contents().

Also, why would you want to subject people to C/Unix's fopen(),
fwrite(), and fclose() when all they want to do is save stuff? That
seems horribly tortured.


adam at
author of o'reilly's php cookbook
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