[nycphp-talk] client doesn't want security: what to do?

James Wetterau james at
Wed Jan 7 16:35:07 EST 2004

David Mintz says:
> However, yours truly thinks it would be better to use GPG or PGP for
> encryption, but C cannot be persuaded to acquire, install and start using
> PGP/GPG and thus keeps ~not~ providing yours truly with her public key
> despite numerous requests.
> Alternatively, yours truly thinks it might be more secure than the status
> quo to go straight to an online payment gateway via SSL and process the
> you-know-what in real time. C thinks this is unnecessary.
> Your truly thinks it's time to prepare a written form for C to sign,
> wherein she acknowledges having been advised of the risks and explicitly
> states she wants to do it her way anyway.
> What do you think?

Could Ours Truly try volunteering to C to spend the time necessary to
set up GPG or PGP for her, end to end?  It's possible that C is
simply daunted by that task and if you take it off C's hands, she will

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