[nycphp-talk] Linking Excel to PHP/MySQL (older versions)

jon baer jonbaer at
Thu Jan 8 11:46:01 EST 2004

I ended up creating a pop3 mailbox for .cvs files + a cron job, so he saves
the files as .cvs and mails them to a dropbox account which works, but Excel
has a "Send To" which could also make it easier but I need to find a PHP/XLS
parser and came across this:

Which looks sweet but out of his budget ... then (thanks to the NYPHP list
archive) it seems like the topic was brought up before, I found ExcelRead_FR
which unfortunatley is all in French ... *but* calls new com() which defeats
the purpose since the box is running Linux.

So @ the moment its:

Client -> XLS -> CVS -> POP3 -> CRON-> PHP -> MYSQL

- jon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Freedman, Tom S." <Thomas.Freedman at>
To: "'NYPHP Talk'" <talk at>
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] Linking Excel to PHP/MySQL (older versions)

> The most recent versions of Excel (at least in Office XP and Office 2003)
> allow you to publish the spreadsheet as a .htm file and autorepublish the
> file every time the worksheet is saved.  You could then parse the file
> your PHP site, or just link to the HTML file directly (though it'd only
> as nice as the spreadsheet itself).

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