[nycphp-talk] php ncurses based mysql process watcher.. (preview)

Joel De Gan joel at
Sun Jan 11 14:32:15 EST 2004

Hi Hans,
Yea, that is me, just moved here to Manhattan from New Orleans (prior
from the west coast). Found this list and am pretty excited about it as
a php group in nola consists of a few guys sitting at a bar chatting
about what can be done in the language.

Anyway, if any of you are going to the Linux Expo at the Javitz center
(Jan 21st-23rd) you will be able to find me there.

Mview will be released from one of my servers located in our New Orleans
data center as per the restrictions for source control (it is part of
the deal in being able to opensource a project from my work). It is
already a tool that I always keep running here and most people at my
work are running throughout the day to see the realtime graphs of the
mysql servers.

I am looking at a two week or so timeframe to be able to opensource the

I am currently working on a version that uses lines for the graphs
instead of ascii. And hopefully can get a color-spread in so that it
varies from blue to red etc.. 

It looks cool and serves a purpose.

-Joel De Gan

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 01:18, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> I feel silly, Joel - just realized you're the same Joel who did the ncurses tutorial  :)
> Hope it gets opened, too.  You're welcome to our servers and cvs server if you'd need - just drop me a note.
> Best,
> Hans

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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