[nycphp-talk] OT: Unable to receive mail

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Jan 14 00:18:56 EST 2004

Hi Jeff:

On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 09:49:22PM -0500, Jeff Siegel wrote:

> If I use my own 
> email address in place of my client's address, I always receive the 
> emails that come from the form. If I substitute my client's address as 
> the recipient, the client never receives the email.
> I suspect that the problem lies in the configuration of the client's 
> mail server, namely MS Exchange Server

Say no more! :)  To prove to them that their mail server is the problem, 
have the script send out three emails.  One to them, one to the client and 
then the third to some neutral email account that someone on their staff 
controls (Yahoo, Hotmail, other ISP).  This way, they can verify that the 
emails are indeed being sent.

Of course, IF they really knew what they were doing, they would have 
already looked at the mail server's logs and been able to see that your 
mails are getting to their server and are being rejected -- and tell you 
WHY they are being rejected -- and then fix the problem on their end.

But, then they'd have to point the finger at themselves... and do some 

Oh well,


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