[nycphp-talk] pmadb (phpmyadmin + foreign keys) help

jon baer jonbaer at
Sat Jan 17 02:31:58 EST 2004

greetings ...

ive recently finally gotten around to playing with the foreign key support
in phpmyadmin - the pmadb tables (very impressive stuff) - took a while to
get used to but once you have the knack of it its extremely helpful ...

my question for anyone that knows it well or uses it is if you can create
"display field" transformations or use multiple fields ... for example, i
have a game linked to a scoresheet table and have no way of being able to
select it without being more descriptive, ie:

<option>Jan 1 2002 (@ 7PM) Blackhawks vs. Red Wings</option>

instead of:

<option>[one single field]</option>

any ideas?  the pdf support is pretty sweet as well.

- jon

pgp key:
fingerprint: F438 A47E C45E 8B27 F68C 1F9B 41DB DB8B 9A0C AF47

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