[nycphp-talk] sessions and application security

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Tue Jan 27 19:18:07 EST 2004

> likely), and then you learn that everyone's session data is 
> being compromised by way of browser vulnerabilities (see 

> Oops! People are still having their cookies compromised, so 
> attackers are using the stolen session identifiers to 
> impersonate users on your site.

> attackers are now using session fixation attacks to cause 
> unknowing users to pass a session identifier of the 
> attacker's choosing

I've been searching for a good list of potential security hazards via HTTP /
browsers.  Something like a good reference list to base web application
security decisions on (Chris, you always tend to be a fountain of knowledge
on the subject).  Any books / sites you could recommend?

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