[nycphp-talk] User Login / Auth Class - SIMPLISTIC please

-sry sryBoston at
Wed Jan 28 16:28:26 EST 2004

Hiya guys,

I read through the similarly-subjected thread felix started back in mid-December (thanks for asking the questions felix and for brainstorming on the list - I really got my thinking focused reading that thread). I definitely do NOT need anything that comprehensive.

For one, all I really need to do is get a user id defined, get them logged in and logged out, track whether or not they've given me certain information before I let them access specific pages (yes, I need your DOB, SSN, first born child and if that was a male, his blood type; if your first-born was a female well, i'll let ya' slide by unchecked...bias gal that I am)

Really, I am NOT doing any major security here. I just don't want to have to reinvent the wheel. If there is a class for the taking that I can use to create and manage users, please point me to it.  If it will also let me manage myself as an admin of the mySQL database (i.e., not let anyone else gain admin access to the web pages or the database), great. 

This is not my box. I will have some pages hosted on GoDaddy and they control the actual mySQL admin but I meant, I'll want to do some stats gathering on the users accessing the pages and will design some admin type pages for myself to generate those reports....and probably some simple stuff like deleting a user / user's data. Adding users manually is not going to happen; users will not be given options to change their data except through forms that already know how to do it.

TIA for any URLs or pointers - and, we accept all gifts! (but we'z broke so even small fees are prohibitive)

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