[nycphp-talk] User Login / Auth Class - SIMPLISTIC please

-sry sryBoston at
Wed Jan 28 19:27:21 EST 2004

On January 28, 2004 6:52 PM "Mitch Pirtle" wrote:
> -sry wrote:
> > ya' got something to cut n' paste that's *this* simple? :)
> Ok, but only for you ;^)

Awww, gee, shucks <bats eyelashes then remembers>
but umm, I think now you've gotten too simple. This is
tracking my session? it seems to be just a form validation,
which is nice, but I want to fake "saving state" in the stateless
environment we call the web browser. Can't PHP create a
an instance of a "session" that contains the user's state?
(what page they are on, what forms they have / haven't 
completed, what default StyleSheet they prefer, etc.)

The specific properties of the state object don't really
matter (as I will edit to suit my needs) but I guess I'm
looking for a class that already has the methods built for
me to set and retrieve property values, catch and handle
"errors" (you didn't read unit 3 yet, sorry, no unit 4 until
you finish your vegetables)  Is there something like that
out there?

[code snipped]
> I mean, that's almost as easy as it gets...  The only thing making this 
> easier would be using GET for your forms, and just doing everything out 
> in the open in the URL!  I mean, I'm feeding two kids and changing a 
> diaper while writing this.

Well, we've got the baby down for the night here so I can give this
my full attention so long as the cats stop walking on the keyboard
or pushing my hands off of it with their heads.  yeah, that's my 
excuse for the typos!

> I still think the true 'lazy' method would be to use 
> PEAR::HTML_QuickForm to generate your forms (and client-side javascript 
> validation), PHP4's built-in session support, and PEAR::DB for database 
> access.  That's obviously IMNSHO, though ;^P

I planned on looking through the rest of PEAR :-) I'm getting there...but
that kind of reading is for 6am before the house wakes up, including the
darn cats.



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