[nycphp-talk] Draft of tutorial on creating rich web, applications with XUL and PHP posted

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Thu Jul 1 09:43:41 EDT 2004

Hi Scott,

thanks for pointing out the article in PHP Architect. Actually, I read 
that article, and sent feedback to PHP Architect using its forums on it.

The article by Jonathan Protzenko mentions XUL and PHP, but it gives 
examples where HTML is embedded into a XUL document (using namespaces). 
So, in his example, in order that a XUL document submit information, it 
has have two sets of form elements: XUL input elements and HTML form 
elements. Since XUL input elements cannot be grouped into HTML-like 
forms in order to be submitted together, he uses JavaScript to copy 
information entered into XUL input elements into hidden HTML form 
elements. This is a round-about way of doing things, since you have to 
write two input elements (one XUL one, one HTML one) for each piece of 
data that you want submitted.

It also does not take advantage of XUL's ability to create desktop-like 
programs without the refresh that occurs when an HTML document is 

In my article I use web sevices so that the XUL interface never has to 
change - it is not replaced by a new page when the submit button is 

For more information on that article, please see:


Best Regards,

- Jay

 >I don't mean to steal your thunder Jay, but since there seems to be some
 >much interest in this topic I thought I should point out that Jonathan
 >Protzenko has an article in the June issue of PHP|A about the same thing.

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